Valerie Graham,
Jewelry Artist

Handmade jewelery inspired by my time in Portland.
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Have you heard of NPR’s Tiny Desk Concerts? The first time I heard the name I immediately saw a picture in my head of tiny little musicians, playing on the corner of your desk just for you.
I think of my jewelry in much the same way. Tiny pieces of art, made of silver, high karat gold, and precious stones; for you to wear and enjoy you as you go about your day.
My years of travel have inspired my work in many ways. From the graphic layers of graffiti I spotted on the trains in Philadelphia, to the emoji imagery I loved seeing while living in Japan, to learning to appreciate the beauty of a rainy day in the Pacific Northwest. It is these vivid experiences that inform me as an artist and maker.
I also spent several years studying glass techniques and working as a glassblower. My time in the Hotshop, working with timing and temperature has also greatly informed my metalwork, including the fusing and granulation techniques I love to use in my current line of pieces
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