Suzanne Moulton,

Wildlife Artist working in Wire & Textile Sculpture

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Suzanne Moulton, an Oregon wildlife and children's toy artist, fell in love with Elliott State Forest. A solo hike through that region healed her broken spirit and gave her art new purpose: to share the great joy of being connected with our fellow creatures. She started Project Bird Baby Nest to celebrate Elliott's great beauty and biodiversity, and to help support the urgent need for increased public awareness about the many values of keeping old growth forest habitats like Elliott in public ownership.

Suzanne Moulton's body of work, including paintings, textile sculptures and handmade stuffed toys of endangered animals, has spread great joy to families around the globe. Suzanne Moulton’s paintings, drawings and sculptures have been displayed in the National Horse Racing Museum, The Hyde Collection, Kansas City Art Institute Permanent Traveling Collection, National Society of Illustrators New York, The Portland Art Center and The Coos Art Museum.

Additionally, Suzanne Moulton has professionally designed rod puppets, theatrical sets, furniture, restaurant interiors, product branding and packaging. Suzanne is an experienced Stop Motion Puppet Fabrication artist and hair/fur specialist, and has worked at Mackinnon & Saunders and Laika on films such as Frankenweenie, ParaNorman and Coraline.

Artist Images



Swainson's Thrush


Bald Eagle


Marbled Murrelet


Grey Wolf




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