Sean R Kalley,

I work predominately in Sennelier Oil Pastels with my fingers or India Ink

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Hello, my name is Sean Kalley and I figure the best place to start is to explain what koldshoulder means and why it was chosen. Unfortunately, in December of 2008 I felt some sharp pain in the left shoulder which started a path that I never even imagined. While going through multiple surgeries and finally a Total Shoulder Replacement, I decided to start sketching. I first started making art to pass the time in 2009, but over the last 5 years it has become my life. I am a self-taught artist, so it's always an adventure from beginning till end with a new piece, and this is what I love most about art and hope it never changes! The injury has led to some amazing discoveries about myself, what I want out of life.

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Look Beyond


Close Encounters


A Unique View


Don't Drink the Water


A New Beginning


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