Megan Hatch,
Mixed Media Artist

Mixed media paintings and art photography

Instagram @meganhatchphotography

I’ve loved making art my entire life. As a budding photographer, the tool I had at hand was a disposable camera and I waited with breathless anticipation for the prints to show up in the mail. I also experienced early a deep fascination with how one material would alter and enhance another. I remember a tray of pastels, a box of crayons and an afternoon spent using the entirety of both on one sheet of paper.

Regardless of medium or discipline, the arts are powerful. The joy I experience as an artist is why I’m here today; it’s seen me through. After pursuing a BA in Studio Art, I have spent many years creating work, teaching art in communal spaces, and curating exhibits in nontraditional environments. My experiences of growing up rural, and working class, and queer created a deep desire to make the arts accessible to a broader range of folks than typically find themselves, or at least comfortably so, in mainstream arts institutions.

As a visual artist, I use the techniques I’ve developed over the years to explore the world around me, and the ones inside of me, and then to share the stories of those journeys. I do this because I know, deep down, that art is essential to our collective thriving. It’s how we’re going to find our way.



Artist Images







Mountain clouds




Holding on


Artist Video

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