Marissa Annette Cade,

Simple abstract landscapes - acrylic on canvas or board

Website Marissa Annette Art Works

Marissa Annette Cade was born and raised on the west coast. She has lived everywhere from the forests of Yosemite to the Red Woods of Santa Cruz, from the Mojave Desert to the city of Portland. The colors and feeling of the west coast features prominently in her work. Sunsets, live jazz played outside, camping, the golden hour, family picnics, dune buggy rides, horse races, snorkeling, highway 1, and snow shoeing - are memories that fill the space that her family leaves in their absence, as many of Marissa's relatives have left this world for the next. Marissa's work is more a celebration of their life, and less the sorrow of grief, but it is a delicate balance.  Can you see them both?

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