Jennifer Helmbold,
Glass Artist

Stained glass art with a new twist!/page…

For as long as I can remember I have been creating things, one way or another. I remember my first "business venture" was when I was about 9 years old; in cahoots with my two younger brothers, we drew and sold pictures at all of our family partys and to the neighbors. I was 12 when I partisipated in my first craft show at the communtiy center. My art or craft has changed several times over the years from drawing and painting to photography to knitting and most anything in between. My true love though is stained glass. I first learned it at about 10 years old, taught by my great-grandfather. I recently reconnected with this passion, which combines my love of color and light so beautifully. I am pleased to carry on this family tradition. I make all my own lamp and lantern patterns. Coming up with new designs and seeing them come to life is so rewarding. I hope to continue the evolution of my work for a long time to come.

Artist Images

Patio candle lantern


Tri circle pendant


Vintage design column accent lamp


Artist Video

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