Emma Charlotte Stanford,
Jewelry Artist

A passage to another world; an act of magic; a tribute to the WILD.

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Thank you for your interest in Ghost Eye Adornment products. Ghost Eye bones are ethically and respectfully sourced in the Cascadia Bioregion; no animals are harmed in the creation of Ghost Eye products. Ghost Eye Adornment strives to offer a culture of wilderness, tapping into the grace of nature's chaos. There is also a melancholic element to Ghost Eye products: Ghost Eye uses bones that have been discovered by the sides of highways and busy city streets. All automobiles have an impact on this earth; sometimes that impact is more lugubrious than others. Ghost Eye's mission is to respectfully use these bones to give another sort of sentience to these creatures whose lives have been cut short by human forces. Please visit the Ghost Eye website at ghosteyeadorn.com for more information, lookbook photos, and to check out The Free Cascadian blog.

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Bone Jewelry






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