Cora Lucille Lindholm,

A young, fearless chick ready to take on the world one photo at a time! xo
@coravision | |
@coravision | |… |
“Look at those incredible images of lions on the African safari, Cora! You would be good at that,” “Good at what, mom?” “Photography” My eyes grew wider and wider each second I stared at the Discovery Channel on our TV screen. At the age of eight, I was in complete awe by the idea of someday traveling the world and capturing timeless, perfect moments on camera. To this day, my heart is still dead set on exploring and sharing the world through my camera lens. Growing up, I amplified my passion of landscape and wildlife photography by driving up to Pacific City, Oregon and photographing the wild and ever-changing coastline. From cows lounging lazily under the shadows of towering oak trees to deep crimson and magenta sunsets engulfing the wide-open farmlands, my camera was never out of reach the whole two-hour car ride to the coast. Photography allows the viewer to see through the artists' eyes in the most truthful and accurate of ways, which is why I am so fascinated by this particular field of art. Whenever I see a Peter Lik or Ansel Adams landscape photograph I am mesmerized by the breathtaking and vivid masterpieces they create. Likes imaginative perception of the rigorous Australian outback and Adam's keen eye for the elegance of the quiet Yosemite mountains inspire me to share the hidden landscapes I discover along the west-coast as well. I am a very visual person and I understand best with my sense of sight. Photography helps me express myself in the best way possible. I love the fact that I have control over how to portray a specific situation in an image; it is my choice whether to press the button or not. Growing up in Oregon, I naturally fell in love with landscape and wildlife photography; however, once I started my college career at The University of Alabama, my perception of photography completely changed and expanded. I quickly discovered my love for action photography. Action photography is a sport within itself, sprinting alongside the athletes, diving for the perfect shot! The challenge of moving elements thrills me, making it even more rewarding when you capture that moment. Not only was I surrounded by the dominant sport of Alabama football; I was also thrown into a completely new culture and way of life. Traveling widens my perspective, and I believe it‚Äôs necessary for clearer communication amongst communities. Seeing the world builds character, and helps spread important stories we need to share and understand in order to gain more respect for each other as human beings. By traveling, I have seen many faces, and photographing people and portraits remind me of each story we possess. My photography expresses pure beauty, personality, and strength, whether it is through landscape, wildlife, action, or portrait photography. I am instinctual and imaginative, going along with my gut when composing an image. I feel that I am most useful behind the lens of a camera because that is where I see clearest. Photography has shaped me to be a very independent and observant person who questions the world around me.
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