Cassandra Laurion,

BFA At the Alberta College of Art + Design. Canadian Citizen.
@AvalancheOhAvalanche | |… |
Artist Statement Miss. Cassandra LauriÃÅon (b. 1993, Canada) The forms that are drawn and painted through an automatic approach are used to apprehend my psychological state more in-depth on a subconscious emotional level. My work consists of abstracted forms derived from nature, fragments of spaces that memories remain in such as objects, the cracks in the brick wall and how I recollect and recall that space from the perspective of a distanced, romanticized memory. With that being said this process of nostalgia and reflection that manifests in the making of my paintings represents somewhat of an autobiographical document that shares personal narratives of past, present and future self reflections, experiences, influences and tragedies. Although I am most commonly painting, I do not limit myself to the materials and approaches I preform within my work, I support my abstracted constructions with writing and photography to give a concise narrative of what I am referring to, without giving much information away to the viewer. The most distinct aspects of my work are the tactile and material based qualities; these elements are crucial to the emotional experience of my works. However the work has been treated or executed usually reflects how I personally feel towards what is being reflected on through my work. When I am painting purely from an automatic approach I am connecting my subconscious mind with my hand that produces gestural mark making that acts as a sense of release and control from the anxiety of lost memories. Depending on the imagery I am constructing within my work this allows me to organize my thoughts into personal narratives of subject matter that contains between an abstracted, realistic and emotional realms. Writing and photography is an important part of my process, both give me realistic, tangible, evidence of my subconscious mind and emotions, versus the raw, and automatic forms painted and investigated because of an emotion.
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