Cameron Holly Dexter,

I am a collage artist who prints primarily on metal

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As a collage artist, I draw inspiration from the blend of femininity and the cosmos to create nostalgic dreamscapes.  I use maximalist compositions to remind us of our micro-macro connection to the universe. I love to fill the space with kaleidoscopic flora and verdant fauna, and use various celestial elements to awaken a sense of awe.

In addition, what inspires me most about collage are the relationships between the chosen elements. What fascinates me is the idea that there are a seemingly endless amount of decisions and possibilities that go into each piece. The expanse of digital collage is so wide that the only true limiting factors are canvas size and ones imagination… and toying with the infinite is a rare gift we have as finite beings. 

My lifelong passion for collage began in childhood, covering my walls with magazine cutouts, postcards, and mementos—a journey of mine that continues to evolve as I explore the beauty of the universe through art today.

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