Andrew Madlem,

Painter and designer from Portland, OR.

Instagram @andrewmadlem

Painting is my medium of choice. I focus on creating from the heart, letting my intuition guide me as I move through each piece. The goal is always to just make things that feel right, that feel natural to me. I prefer painting large-scale, allowing the movement my whole body to become part of the working process. I try to work quickly when I can, not giving my brain the opportunity to prejudge and critique as I go, allowing the work to naturally reveal itself. Abstract is my favorite subject matter as it allows individuals to create their own associations and perceptions of the work, a meaning unique to only them. I also explore landscapes, sill life and figure painting.

I was born and raised in Portland, Oregon. This is my home and I continue to enjoy all that the Pacific Northwest has to offer. I graduated from Oregon State University in 2005.

Artist Images

Color Study


The State of Us


An American Dream


Bouquet No.7


Walking the Camino near Burgos, Spain.


Venus De Rioja


Artist Video

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