Allen Myers,

Analog & Digital Photography capturing authentic moments around the world.

Website AM Studio
Instagram @@nomadsight
More Links Story of a Nomad

In 2006, I was walking to a university exam when it hit me:  my life was unfolding in a predictable and safe way. And yet I knew nothing of the world nor of humanity. In a stroke of courage or naivety, I sold everything I owned and bought a backpack and one-way ticket to the farthest place I could afford. I set out to see the world as it truly is, not merely accepting what I'd been told. For 8 years, I traveled; not just to move or to take pictures but to be a humble student of humanity; to learn what connects us all.

My journey is documented in photography and writing. They tell a story of a global community to which we all belong to. 

Artist Images

Two Hands of Prayer


We are Memories


One Million Gold Buddhas




How We Grow


Saharas Face


Artist Video

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