Abigail Renola Tjaden,

i am A-R-T! I am an illustrator, printer, and installation-er.

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I draw. I create. I explore.
Outwardly and inwardly.
Whether outside or inside.
There are many spaces that make up the art of our becoming.
I get lost in the process.
For me the artmaking process starts with the hands, one with a pencil while the other with a sketchbook. I find significance in drawing out the things I see. All thoughts, ideas, and everyday experiences are worth jotting down.
We document.
We record the world around us.
We breathe in experiences.

My illustrations get silkscreened onto apparel. And. It. Is. FUN.

Artist Images

Paper Air Planes Design


Moose Design


Owl Design


Teepee Design


Jackalope Design


Skull Design


Artist Video

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